Friday, June 02, 2006

KYD merchandise

Yay! **happy dance**
Even though the UPS tracking online was confusing, at best, I finally received my order of Kentucky Downs merchandise yesterday. I love it!

I ran the t-shirts through the washer and dryer first, so I could take Bobby his to work. I gave away all the magnets and several of the pins. A fellow teller, Dennis, wants a black tee as soon as possible, if not before, and a customer has requested a t-shirt with a chest pocket. Hmm. I don't have the pocket tees, currently, but it's definitely something worth looking into.

Now I get to figure out how best to order these in advance for people I know, and figure out what and how many I'll need to order for Live Racing. Although the event isn't until September, I know I'll need these next 15 weeks or so to plan, design, calculate, and order. There are a lot of variables I haven't even taken into account yet.

I wish I could run the booth, but I'm working as a teller that day. I hope Cathie (my daughter) will be able to work in the booth. She's a great salesperson, anyway.