I know, this looks like it could be a post from my other blog (http://lorilei-tees.com/), but this design just seems so appropriate for my life at the moment.
A lot has happened in my life since this post last March, and much of it has not been for the better.
The one constant has been that my grandson EJ is the light of our lives. He is so very precious to us, I would never give him up or wish him away.
There was an EPO (Emergency Protection Order) against my daughter's future ex as of March, 2008, first in Sumner County, Tennessee, then in Simpson County, Kentucky.
The terminology has apparently changed so this is now called a DVO (Domestic Violence Order). It disallows him from possessing weapons or ammunition, and it restricts him as far as physical proximity to Cathie and other family members. He resigned from the police force rather than be fired, after the local judge made the order official in our commonwealth.
Unfortunately, the DVO will most likely expire in March of this year, and then he will think he can do anything he wants. Mainly because he has already thought this for a long time, and the legal restrictions placed on him have hampered him very little in the last ten months.
Cathie lost the best job she'd ever had when she took an honorable discharge from the army. She was due to be shipped to Iraq for the third time, and custody of EJ would have reverted to the pother parent. That was just unacceptable. A female officer Cathie worked with had warned Cathie to get out of the army and protect her right to be a mother, since she had gone through a similar situation. The woman had lost her own son and daughter to her ex-husband while she was deployed in the Middle East; her ex had charged her with abandonment.
Cathie is a strong and sometimes stubborn young woman. She is a natural leader. She did not want to back down and submit to intimidation, but I have seen the fear in her when he is near. Ever since he found out she had filed her 2007 taxes separately and he would not be getting all the return, when he called her to threaten and yell at her, she has lived with the fear that he'd eventually go over the line and try to hurt her.
He once lost his temper with her (while they were still together) and tried to hit her, but he missed. Frankly, I think in a fair wrestling match, she could kick his @$$, but he doesn't believe in fair fights any more than he believes in the truth.